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François Barthomeuf
François Barthomeuf

Consultations by François Barthomeuf

The price of my written consultations is 300 euros*. Each Consultation is between 6-9 word pages and represents about 3 hours of work.

As you may know, for several years now, I am only able to open my consultation form for a few minutes each month due to the high demand I receive. Indeed, in this troubled global context, more and more of you appreciate and recommend my written astrological studies.

I sincerely thank you for that.

*You always have the option to pay for your consultations in 2 or 3 installments by check. Please specify this in the form under the section 'Payment Method Selection'.

22 years of Consultations

I started my Astrology Consultations in 2001. It's been 22 years already!

During this time, I have conducted several thousand consultations, and I would like to take this opportunity to express my gratitude to all those who have placed their trust in me. Thanks to you, I have developed a wealth of knowledge and expertise in my field. 

Today, my client base is increasingly international, with clients from countries such as USA, England, Ireland, Quebec, Portugal, Belgium, and Switzerland.

Human written Consultations : Very rare in today's Astrology

Professional Astrologers who write their consultations are extremely rare.

Are we about 3 in France? Personally, since the beginning of my practice, I have offered various forms of consultations. Today, it is clear to me that the most effective form is written consultations. Carefully chosen words, when written, acquire incredible power in the subconscious mind. Moreover, the client can reread them as many times as they want and engage in a true process of personal growth. However, this approach requires a significant investment of time. While a "traditional" consultation in person often lasts an hour, with 15 minutes of preparation for the astrologer (and 20 minutes for pleasantries and questions), the writing of my studies typically takes me 3 hours. This is the price for a certain level of quality, a quality that can only be achieved in writing, when things are carefully laid out.

The relative cost of an astrological consultation

Astrology  requires preparation time and years of study for the astrologer.

Now, how much can we estimate the price of an enlightened insight into our child's orientation? 

What is the value of a true rediscovery of oneself and one's potential for a lifetime?

What is the worth of personal weather forecast for a year when it enables us to make the right choices?

Significant amounts are spent each year on legal advice, for example... Yet if only 1% of these amounts were invested in astrology, they could precisely help avoid such expenses. As you can see, everything is relative...

Those who know me well are aware that I put 100% effort into each of my studies.

I consider myself incredibly privileged to be able to pursue the work I've always wanted to do.

Each analysis of a birth chart is sacred to me.

I thank you for your trust and loyalty.
