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François Barthomeuf
François Barthomeuf

Thank you. 

You can rest assured that I will indeed conduct your astrological study within this month.

Take your time to fill out the form below,

the more details you provide, the better I can assist you in return.

​I want to clarify that I will not work on requests written in 30 seconds and in a telegraphic style.

Therefore, I kindly ask you to make the effort to write a few personal lines explaining your background, your current situation,

and provide me with details about your projects, questions, and expectations (please follow the instructions in the orange frames).

Otherwise, unfortunately, your form will be returned to you. Thank you in advance. See you soon.


​Note : This page will remain active for 48 hours, so you can bookmark it and return when you are in a quiet place to fill it out.

Find the details of my various consultations

​A precise time of birth is crucial in any astrological study

It is important not to rely solely on your mother's memory! Half of the time, the orally transmitted birth time is approximate or incorrect. It is recommended to contact the municipality of your place of birth and request confirmation of your birth time.

If you have any doubts, don't hesitate to request a birth certificate before undertaking an astrological consultation.

My Birth Chart

If you're unsure where to begin, I recommend starting with this consultation. The interpretation of the birth chart provides a genuine self-reflection, insight into one's personality, and paths of evolution. It's a study that will undoubtedly surprise you and can be further explored if desired.

I consult

Where am I in my life ?

It makes sense to continue with this consultation after the study of your Birth Chart (although it is not mandatory). We will delve into the major planetary cycles that mark your life. This will not only provide you with a better understanding of your position in time but also enhance your comprehension of the meaning, duration, and stakes of your current situation.

I consult

My upcoming year

This consultation is usually conducted after analyzing your Birth Chart and/or addressing the question of "Where am I in my life today?", although it is not mandatory. We will delve into the rhythms and significance of your upcoming year, empowering you to make well-timed decisions.

I consult

My Career Orientation

Choosing one's studies, career path, or preparing for a career change is essential for self-fulfillment and personal growth. We will delve deep into your potential to guide you towards what aligns with you best. This consultation is my specialty.

I consult

The Birth Chart of my child

Only from parents for their underage child. Thought you knew your child by heart? You'll be surprised! This consultation will help you better understand who your child truly is: their detailed sun sign, dominant planets, moon sign, and more. An essential consultation for all parents!

I consult

Answer to a Question

Do you have a pressing question? Are you seeking an external viewpoint to help you gain clarity and make informed decisions? This consultation will provide you with clear, precise, and time-specific answers while ensuring your free will is fully respected.

I consult

Important details for my Consultations

My written consultations are not intended to be exhaustive

The complete interpretation of a Birth Chart indeed requires several days of work! However, the consultations will target the essential aspects, key points, and the challenges encountered. You can then decide to further explore and delve into specific areas by subscribing to one or more supplementary studies.

I do not conduct Birth Chart readings for a legal adult third party.

The individual who wishes to consult with me must initiate the process themselves (therefore, no readings for a legal adult child), or provide written consent on their behalf.

I also do not provide "birthday gifts" consultations unless the person is aware of and actively involved in the process.

A consultation often brings personal introspection and can sometimes challenge individuals (always done with kindness). Therefore, it is important to ensure that one is in a mindset of seeking and open to the experience. However, this may not always be the case or the right timing.

I do not specifically address health-related questions.

It is rare, but sometimes it simply isn't the right time to seek a consultation. In such cases, it is better to wait a few days or weeks. Similarly, there are instances when I may sense that I am not the right person to help you move forward. In both cases, I will clearly communicate this to you.