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François Barthomeuf
François Barthomeuf

​Aries ascendant Aries


You are dealing with a true bundle of energy! The dynamism and energy of your little Aries Sun with Aries Rising constantly drive them into action. They fear nothing and are a daredevil who enjoys taking risks. They dislike things dragging on, so you'll need to be patient with them and explain the value of time. Similarly, they have no fear of competition, which is great, but as parents, it will be your role to explain the difference between competition and aggression to them.


Aries Sun with Aries Rising, your astrological signature makes you primarily a person of action, always ready to take on a challenge or a daring endeavor. You have already fought hundreds of battles throughout your life, and they have surely taught you that despite all your energy, you cannot win every time. If you have managed to overcome the frustration of early failures, you have found a certain wisdom within you that makes you believe that in the end: "You never truly lose: Either you win, or you learn." Aries Sun with Aries Rising from all around the world, this could even be your motto. However, you must always be vigilant to avoid rushing into ventures that, while daring, are also incredibly risky. Taking a step back should be your best ally, allowing you to reflect before taking action and ultimately making your actions more effective.

​Aries ascendant Taurus


Your little Aries Sun with Taurus Rising is a force of nature! The fire of the Aries sign provides the drive, and the Taurus Rising turns that drive into concrete and practical action. Great! But having four horns on a single head can be quite a lot! Your little one may prove to be even more stubborn than the stubbornest of Taureans. As parents of a little Aries Sun with Taurus Rising, you need to appreciate their ability to take initiative and their independence, but also show them the value and necessity of "compromising" and opening up to collaboration with others.


Aries Sun with Taurus Rising, you possess a very powerful astrological signature that is deeply rooted in reality. There's no doubt about it, you are an entrepreneur at heart! Your two astrological signs are, in fact, the first two signs of the zodiac. Nature has endowed them with everything needed to successfully launch a new cycle of life. You have both the necessary motivation and the essential means to give shape to a project or concretely realize your ideas. That is why this astrological signature is traditionally considered one of the most effective in the zodiac.

​Aries ascendant Gemini


Your child with Aries Sun and Gemini Rising is a little ball of energy! The enthusiasm and need for action of Aries are multiplied by their Gemini Rising. As a result, they can't stay still. Everything interests them, and everything must be experienced... as quickly as possible! Full of humor and cheerfulness, your little one is a breath of fresh air. As parents, you will need to teach them how to manage their incredible energy over time so that they don't run too fast towards complete exhaustion.


Aries Sun with Gemini Rising, you possess a sharp intellect combined with a conquering and spontaneous nature. You enjoy being on the move, engaging in activities, communicating, and sometimes even exerting influence over others with your ideas or opinions. Your power of persuasion is strong, and you know how to convince others through speech, whether it's in a debate or in front of an audience. Like many Gemini Risings, you will learn over time to develop the ability to take a step back and reflect on your actions. This newfound capacity will not only allow you to be more fair and effective in expressing your energy spontaneously but also to manage it better in the long run.

​Aries ascendant Cancer


What an interesting combination! The Cancer Rising perceives the world through emotions and translates what it sees to an Aries sign, which is all about action and showcasing its capabilities. In its negative aspect, your child can be quite sensitive and ready to fight at the slightest provocation. However, in its positive aspect, they are a helpful soul, a comic book hero, both strong and sensitive. Their imagination is rich, and their dreams are often heroic! As parents, you can help your little Aries Sun with Cancer Rising develop self-control, for example, by enrolling them in martial arts classes or sophrology sessions.


Aries Sun with Cancer Rising, you are, how should I put it... directly connected to the world! This astrological signature indicates that you experience things with immense intensity but often lack perspective. That's because things deeply affect you! Sometimes, even too much... And as a true Aries, your reaction is immediate! If it's love we're talking about, you quickly become passionately enamored. If it's something unpleasant, you charge headfirst into the fight. How about a soup with milk? Well, some things never change, and after all, people love you for who you are. But with time, it's important to try to detach yourself a bit from this impulsive tendency, or else it will eventually exhaust you. What do you think?

​Aries ascendant Lion


What a fireworks display! Your little Aries Sun with Leo Rising is bursting with energy. They have the soul of a pioneer and the desire to show the whole world what they are capable of. The boundaries imposed upon them are mere trifles meant to be overcome. And in fact, the only valid authority is their own! Radiating with vitality, courage, and flair, they are indeed the natural leader of the playground. As parents of a little Aries Sun with Leo Rising, it's important to celebrate the little Lion-King within them, but also remind them that individual success will always be of lesser quality compared to shared success with others.


Aries Sun with Leo Rising, your astrological signature, which is actually quite rare, highlights a strong character, as well as enthusiasm, a noble heart, and an undeniable chivalrous spirit. Like all Leo Risings, you have a need to be admired and to be at the center of attention. This desire to be in the spotlight is an energy that you use to accomplish remarkable feats, often quite dazzling. Aries Sun with Leo Rising, you possess all the authority and charisma necessary to be the natural leader of a group. As time goes on, you will increasingly value collective success over individual achievements.

​Aries ascendant Virgo


Dear parents, your little Aries Sun with Virgo Rising is quite a surprise! At first glance, they may appear reserved, leading one to believe they are shy. And because they don't seek the limelight, they may be seen as unassuming. However, underestimating your little one would be a mistake, as they possess courage, energy, and the ability to face challenges, combined with the analytical and rational qualities of their Virgo Rising, which grant them great efficiency in everything they undertake. As parents, it's important to ensure that your child, like many with Virgo Rising, doesn't underestimate their abilities and provide them with the necessary confidence to try their hand at various things.


Aries Sun with Virgo Rising, your astrological signature reveals a nature that can be understated and distant, but in reality, you possess structured and controlled energy, as well as a highly analytical and penetrating mind. You thrive when you feel a sense of purpose or when you can fight for the benefit of others (Virgo Rising). As time goes on, you will learn to gain confidence, step out of your comfort zone, and expand your areas of competence, allowing yourself to embrace broader horizons.

​Aries ascendant Libra


Dear parents, your little Aries with a Libra rising wants to assert themselves in the world, that's true. However, they wish to do so without violence or unnecessary aggression. They embody the concept of the "peaceful warrior" described by Dan Millman. In fact, they have an equal need for self-assertion and acceptance from others. This creates a challenging astrological path, especially in the realm of relationships, where your little one with a Libra rising will require not only your listening ear and guidance but also your unconditional support.


Aries Ascendant Libra, your astrological chart highlights two opposing signs, one seeking to assert itself and the other seeking acceptance from others. In the first part of life, your passionate nature will lead you to alternate between adversity (Aries) and conciliation (Libra). You can find fulfillment in a framework that allows you to engage in a battle while maintaining a certain moral or diplomatic balance (for example, the archetype of a lawyer). With time, you will learn to unite the ardor of fire and the equilibrium of air, becoming a wise individual who is both combative and just.

​Aries ascendant Scorpio


Dear parents, your dream of having a calm and composed child didn't quite come true... Tough luck! Your little Aries with a Scorpio rising is dominated by the planet Mars, symbolizing action and combat, and doesn't settle for anything less. With them, it's all or nothing. They can be the best of the best and the worst of the worst, often within the same day! They enjoy taking on challenges (which might scare their mom, OMG!) and they live everything with extreme intensity: sports, relationships, rivalries, you name it. As parents, you can assist your little Aries with a Scorpio rising by helping them better harness their inner strength, particularly by channeling it toward constructive goals.


Aries Ascendant Scorpio, your astrological signature reveals an extremely passionate nature, both fiery and secretive. The search for intensity in everything you do (sports, relationships, work, etc.) is the driving force of your life. In the face of risk and conflict, you feel immensely alive and ready to be reborn in a form that is increasingly resilient. You possess astonishing willpower and combativeness. With time, you will learn to moderate the extremes of your character to some extent, particularly in the realm of relationships where balance should be a virtue.

​Aries ascendant Sagittarius


Your little Aries Ascendant Sagittarius is bursting with energy and vitality. In relationships, they are appreciated for their honesty, spontaneity, and courage. Full of enthusiasm, they are always ready to embark on adventures and conquer the world. As parents of a little Aries Ascendant Sagittarius, you should first invest in a box of band-aids because adventure often results in scraped knees! You can also introduce them to the joys of scouting or camping, activities that align well with their dynamic and adventurous nature.


Aries Ascendant Sagittarius, your astrological signature reveals a dynamic and straightforward nature, full of enthusiasm, drive, and optimism. You are the ultimate explorer of the zodiac! Like all Sagittarius Ascendants, you have a thirst for discovering the world. No problem, your Aries sign equips you for adventure with courage and assertiveness. With your pioneering spirit, you know how to blaze a trail for others. With time, Aries Ascendant Sagittarius, you will also learn to occasionally look back and pay more attention to others who may not possess your abilities and may struggle to keep up with you.

​Aries ascendant Capricorn

Your little Aries Ascendant Capricorn is tough as nails and fearless! It's no surprise considering they possess the fiery determination of Aries and the endurance of Capricorn. They have what it takes to overcome 99% of the obstacles life throws their way! Ambitious and realistic, they also excel at managing their energy over time. As parents of a little Aries Ascendant Capricorn, it's important to encourage them regularly to express their emotions more, as this is an area where your little "Popeye" may be less comfortable.


Aries Ascendant Capricorn, your astrological signature reveals a tough and sometimes authoritative character. You are realistic and grounded, not one to indulge in illusions or sentimentality. Ambitious and demanding, you are well aware that you won't achieve anything in life without making efforts and fighting daily. Luckily, you are perfectly equipped for that. The combination of Aries and Capricorn gives you the potential to lead others, as you possess the energy, courage, and sense of responsibility required. With time, you will learn to soften your stance, trust others more, and delegate your responsibilities.

​Aries ascendant Aquarius


Your little Aries Ascendant Aquarius is someone particularly ingenious and dynamic. Constantly focused on the future, they tend to reject the past, including tradition, and often challenge (sometimes vehemently) the present, which never seems to move fast enough for them! Sociable and well-liked among their friends, they are often the driving force within the group. However, their impulsiveness (Aries sign) and a certain radicalism in their positions (Aquarius Ascendant sign) often lead to conflicts with those around them. As parents, you can help your child by providing them with the means to better manage their levels of nervousness and impatience.


Aries Ascendant Aquarius, your astrological signature reveals an inventive and visionary nature, driven towards a progressive transformation of society. For you, evolution and progress inevitably require a necessary revolution in everyday life. Like many Aquarius Ascendants, you may engage in a fight for a social, humanitarian, or even scientific cause, becoming the militant advocate of a new era (Aries sign). With time, Aries Ascendant Aquarius, you will learn to temper your "fiery" impulsiveness and avoid the trap of intolerance, even as you advocate for greater tolerance!

​Aries ascendant Pisces

Parents and Child:

Your little Aries with Pisces rising possesses an exalted, warm, and dynamic character. Within a group, they give of themselves without reservation. Their sense of sacrifice often leads them to heroic acts, blending flair and romanticism, leaving those around them in awe. As parents of an Aries with Pisces rising, it will be important to acknowledge their great inspiration while also cautioning them against excessive generosity in their actions, which could ultimately harm them.


Aries Sun with Pisces Rising, your astrological chart reveals a nature that is both dynamic and profoundly inspired. Your actions are often imbued with exaltation and a sense of sacrifice that is unique among all other astrological signatures. You can be guided and galvanized by a sense of spiritual, romantic, or artistic purpose. With time, you will learn to master the precise balance required for your impulses (Aries Sun) and your inspiration (Pisces Rising).